Pool Villa
You can easily build a house with a swimming pool in Japan.
We are expanding around Japan with a focus on Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Okinawa.
Make swimming pools more accessible and value-added
Swimming pools are a luxury that can only be found in mansions and resort hotels in Japan.
Lights on the water waves create a special moment
The Pool Villa Series is a series of private accommodations that aims to maximize the value of the pool and bring a special time to the guests.
It’s a powerful value-add that no other private accommodation can offer.

High quality and high durability
Daimler Corporation is the distributor for Desjoyaux, a leading pool manufacturer in France.
High-quality, highly durable products that are stain and break resistible.
It is resistant to earthquakes and can be repaired quickly if damaged.
It is very easy to maintenance with no need for a machine room and piping.
low construction and low running costs
Pools are only seen in mansions and hotels due to their high construction and running costs.
However, the key point is that the pools in the Pool Villa series are much less expensive to build and run.
No mechanical room or piping, which are essential for normal pools, and concrete maintenance is rarely needed because the inner surface of the pool is covered with a special sheet.
If a sheet tears, it is simply reattached, which is much cheaper and easier than re-creating concrete.